2018. The Nilsson-Ehle Endowments. Royal Physiographic Society of Lund. Suecia. Solicitante principal: Jane Swaegers. Co-solicitante:Dra. Rosa Ana Sánchez Guillén. Proyecto:Arquitectura genética del aislamiento reproductivo(€13.100).
2016. Ciencia Básica Sep-Conacyt. Clave de Proyecto: 282922. México. Solicitante principal:Dra. Rosa Ana Sánchez-Guillén. Proyecto: Evolución y mantenimiento del polimorfismo de coloración (1.500.000 pesos). 2016. The Nilsson-Ehle Endowments. Royal Physiographic Society of Lund. Suecia. Solicitante principal: Maren Wellenreuther. Co-solicitante:Dra. Rosa Ana Sánchez Guillén. Proyecto:Reinforcement of reproductive isolation in differentially introgressed populations(€9.163).
2015. The Nilsson-Ehle Endowments. Royal Physiographic Society of Lund. Main applicant: Dra. Rosa Ana Sánchez Guillén. Co-applicant: Bengt Hansson. Project:Biodiversity conservation in times of climate change: learning from range expansions and hybridisation (€10.740).
2015. Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien Bioscience. Suecia. Solicitante principal:Rosa Ana Sánchez Guillén. Proyecto:Transcriptomic insights of the origin and evolution of a colour polymorphism (€6.870).
2015. Stint Initiation Grant. The Swedish foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education. Main applicants: Dr. Rosa Ana Sánchez Guillén, Dr. Maren Wellenreuther, Dr. Bengt Hansson y Dr. Alex Córdoba Aguilar. Project:The role of non-adaptive sexual processes in the evolution of species diversity (€16.000)
2014. Carl Tryggers foundation, Sweden. Main applicants: Dr. Maren Wellenreuther and Dr. Rosa Ana Sánchez Guillén. Project: Genomic of hybridization and speciation in odonates (€18,700).
2012. National commission for the knowledge and management of the biodiversity (CONABIO), Mexico. Main applicants: Dr. Alejandro Córdoba Aguilar and Dr. Rosa Ana Sánchez Guillén. Project: Modeling Odonata species in Mexico (€15,000).
Collaborations 2012-2014. Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Main applicant: Dr. Adolfo Cordero-Rivera. Collaborator: Dr. Rosa Ana Sánchez Guillén. Project: Ancient responses to new challenges: ecology and evolution of the Odonata (€185,000).
2008-2011. Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Main applicant: Dr. Adolfo Cordero-Rivera. Collaborator: Dr. Rosa Ana Sánchez Guillén. Project: Sexual selection and the evolution of mating strategies in odonates (€185,000).
2009. Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. Complementary International Actions. Main applicant: Dr. Adolfo Cordero-Rivera. Collaborator: Dr. Rosa Ana Sánchez Guillén. Project: Evolution of reproductive isolation mechanisms in the polymorphic genus Ischnura (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) in the Mediterranean context. (€5,500). and Employment
2014. Angeles-Alvariño Postdoctoral Fellowship. Duration 3 years.
2013. Postdoctoral Fellowship “Marie-Curie FP7” from the European Union. Duration 2 years.
2013. Carl Tryggers foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship. Duration 1 year.
2013. Postdoctoral Fellowship “Consorcio 4 Universidades”. Duration 2 years.
2010. Postdoctoral Fellowship from “Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México” (UNAM-DGAPA). Durations 2 years.
2006.Doctoral Scholarship (FPI). Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. Duration 4 years.
Awards and Travel Grants
2105. Travel grant from National commission for the knowledge and management of the biodiversity CONABIO (Mexico) at UNAM University (15 days).
2010. Travel grant from Spanish Ministry of Ministry of education and science (FPI) at Liverpool University. United Kingdom (5 months).
2009. Travel grant from Spanish Ministry of Ministry of education and science (FPI) at Lund University. Sweden (3 months).
2008. Travel grant from Spanish Ministry of Ministry of education and science (FPI) at Lund University. Sweden (3 months).
2007. Travel grant from Spanish Ministry of Ministry of education and science (FPI) at Antwerp University. Belgium (4 months).
2006. Travel grant from Spanish Ministry of Vigo University at Landau University. Germany (2 months).